Lonely Man of Cake

An Irreverent Look at Religion, Food, and Everything in Between

Sunday, January 07, 2007


This blog represents yet another experimental foray of mine into the world of blogging. Some of you know me, and most of you probably don't. Those in the former group recognize that I am now in a far better position to voice my opinions freely than I was in recent years. For those of you who don't know me and don't know why that is the case, your compensation is that you get to reap the dividends of my newfound situation.

As you have probably gathered from the title of the blog, I'm not going to be pushing Kool-Aid. What many would characterize as irreverent, I see as brutal honesty, inconvenient as it might be to conventional wisdom, norms, dogmas, etc. We're going to take an honest look at religion, especially Judaism, but with an eye to Christianity, Islam, and the symbiotic relationship between the two groups (i.e., Judaism on the one hand, and the other religions on the other). Current events, in the American and Israeli realms, will be covered with an equal dose of skepticism, and question-asking. Lastly, I haven't forgotten about the need to keep my readers entertained and eager to return. I guess time will tell.


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