Freedom Kissing
I was doing some research on Wikipedia to see if anyone had updated the entry on French Kissing in light of the conviction of Haim Ramon, and the court's decision to classify a coerced kiss, with tongue, as constituting the prosecutable offense of indecent behavior. (In fact, I updated the entry to include this information, but I ended up messing up the whole page, and my edit was removed.)
Anyway, I was reminded of how some "patriotic" Americans decided to excise the word "French" from any proper name in American English. Thus French Fries became Freedom Fries, French Kissing became Freedom Kissing, etc. Here is a collection of "historical parallels" to this phenomenon, whereby other countries did renaming of their own, usually due to diplomatic strain. Apparently, New Zealand went through something similar with French Fries in 1998.
Anyway, I was reminded of how some "patriotic" Americans decided to excise the word "French" from any proper name in American English. Thus French Fries became Freedom Fries, French Kissing became Freedom Kissing, etc. Here is a collection of "historical parallels" to this phenomenon, whereby other countries did renaming of their own, usually due to diplomatic strain. Apparently, New Zealand went through something similar with French Fries in 1998.
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