Lonely Man of Cake

An Irreverent Look at Religion, Food, and Everything in Between

Monday, January 08, 2007


The past weeks and months have been rife with speculation regarding Apple's "Next Big Thing." The rumor truly dominating Internet forums has been that of the iPhone. The iPhone was/is supposed to be a cellphone/iPod with all of the stylishness and finesse that you would expect from an Apple product. There was a lot of excitement a few weeks ago when some insiders said that the iPhone was to be launched imminently, and that it will diverge significantly from our expectations. The iPhone was released, and it was a huge surprise. Turns out that Apple never even had the rights to the name iPhone; the copyright holder was Linksys, and they indeed released their iPhone, though it had nothing to do with the much hyped Apple product.
Tomorrow will see the keynote speech at Apple's MacWorldExpo to be delivered by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. This speech is when the new cutting edge products are revealed and when so-called "early adopters" begin thinking about how much refinancing their house will cost them in interest this year. Here is a dude who thinks that he knows exactly what's going down tomorrow. I'd be surprised if even half of his predictions come to fruition.


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